Sun Still Shines on...

Biltmore Estate sits along side one of our beautiful rivers and the entrance has been totally destroyed. The shops, hotels and restaurants that make up the village now all need to be restored totally or partially.  No telling what will come back but the Biltmore Estate will be open once again at some point for the Holiday season.  Our beloved River Arts District is another matter...they are still in the heavy mud and debris phase of cleaning up there.  All the working art studios, gallery's restaurants, shops are either totally destroyed or in some state of destruction.  It was a flavor and heartbeat of what made Asheville so cool, unique and amazing...we pray it will somehow overcome all of this and return in some new form.

So yes, the sun still shines on our beautiful Asheville but we are forever changed to some degree.  People here still need help and support.  We are thankful to every soul who has contributed in some way to our restoring of lives, keep us in your will be a process.

P.S. Even in all of this disaster the lines at the polls are long, upbeat, hopeful and yearning for a new future to match the one that will be built here in Asheville!  Please VOTE 


  1. Glad you are all on the mend. 😍

  2. Good to hear this positive news. Holding onto the positive feelings that the Biltmore and the Arts District will come through this stronger because of the community support given during rhis time.

  3. Glad you are able to vote…more important than ever!!

  4. where there is sunshine there is hope. WE voted here in Florida by mail. Go blue.

  5. So happy to see your beautiful home fully intact and the tree background. I'm glad the city is trying to return to normal. Question: Are the voting polls open now? Hi to Jess!

  6. People are definitely resilient and roads and homes can be rebuilt. But the mountains and rivers will be lost or changed forever if we don’t open our eyes to climate change and start taking care of what God gave us . ❤️❤️


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