always has...                                                                       
From the time the universe detonated planet earth into the universe SHE was charged with the task of carving and forming using her tools of fire, water and wind...

Her artwork graced our planet with crawling glaciers, volcanic towers, deep canyons, wild oceans, thick coated forests and crystal clear rivers and streams...

She has birthed, nurtured, guided and led since the dawning of time...

SHE took her charge to create our planet most earnestly and she shared it all with humankind gracefully by providing all that was needed...
        we took and took, we trashed and polluted, we stripped and denuded...

She gave us warnings, she let us know we had to stop and that there was time to change...
        we denied, we denied and denied...
        It's called CLIMATE CHANGE...nothing fake about it. What we see is REAL...

Her name is Mother Nature and her latest DNA is housed in Helene and Milton but she has a long list of sprouts and they are not pleased with what we have done to their Mothers artwork...


It has been two weeks to the day that Mother Earth's child, named Helene, came to visit our sculptured and majestic mountains and waterways. Today we were able to see the complete and total destruction of her tools of fire, water and wind. No photos , no pictures can do the scenes justice. How the roads were even able to be cleared from trees and debris stories high in this amount of time is indeed remarkable. To stand and feel the magnitude of her fury in the silence of the rubble will put your heart in your throat. Our city and county look like fictional apocalyptic places. People standing amid the wreckage, some working to pick up, some trying to think of what to do next,  others just giving hugs where needed. To witness the ferocity of her unhappiness leaves us weak in the knees.  Things here will never be the same. 

Many still have no power or water but many do. What looked impossible is becoming possible with the thousands of workers who have been here from the beginning, working 24/7. Unlike our southern flatter victims these monumental mountains and valleys make search and recovery much more difficult. FEMA and the military have set up well organized and smooth distribution of food, drinking water and non drinking water.  They have been here, they are still here and they are assisting in all areas. Community members have banded together to create and assist each other in neighborhoods and small towns all over the Western Mountains from building small bridges to freedom to holding and feeding the children of those who can not.

We are ok. We have power and what we need and we are grateful...



  1. As always Jackie I enjoyed your writing.Keep it up you have a talent.

  2. Jackie
    Very insightful writing, as always!


  3. Both of you have been in my thoughts, and I am relieved to hear that you are OK as for so many others such is not the case. Take good care of yourself and each other.

  4. You know how much I love your writing; as our Bro said above, you are very insightful. We trash our earth just as we trash our bodies! Will we ever learn? Some of us will but probably not enough to make a difference. I fear that we have many more catastrophic events ahead and I am concerned for my grandchildren’s future. ❤️❤️


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