THE document...

My spouse is taking the time to actually read every single word of this extremely scary document, all 922 pages of Project 2025 and yes, no matter how much he claims to "know nothing about it" his MO is now in print for the would to see just how evil and sick he and his cohorts are that wrote and are now promoting this historical agenda of the police state of dictatorship they believe is "the way".
His recent words to the Christian conference in Florida is the dialogue of the intent of this document...last time you will ever have to vote...please...

the document and his attempts to momentarily remove himself from its content is his typical no knowledge until he thinks it's in his best interest to say he "did it".

The fight for democracy is now front and center. Those of us whose parents and grandparents lived through the rise and fall of Germany and it's dictators leadership and the atrocities that went with it have passed their stories on to we, their children. Those truths of history cannot be allowed to be repeated.

I still believe there are more of us than there are of him. We must not be silent, we must use our voices, our words (yes, words do matter), our $ and our non violent actions to combat his agenda of total supremacy because he wants another Civil War, it's the only way he can show his power and might. We MUST VOTE, stand in line, bring a chair, a snack, an umbrella whatever it takes or he will get the revolution and division he survives on.

This is not a presidential election like any other in the history of this, our country. We are literally voting for our immediate lives as we know it. It is not perfect but it is governed by an established democracy. There is a reason that there are term limits on the highest office and more work needs to be done to establish term limits with our existing Congressional and Senatorial folks as well as SCOTUS. The system is flawed and has allowed itself to be bought and paid for but it is still a democracy in action. I will take the flaws and sometimes breakdowns in civility any day to what is being openly proposed. 

Be truthfully and accurately informed is our duty. Please 

The first paragraph on this page was posted on Facebook...can't find it now, ???????


  1. Thank you to Jessie for reading THE document. Voting is a must for all of us to stop this criminal. ❤️❤️


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