On The Cusp...


                                of 2024

Do I believe 
Do I hope

When I believe I know through truth based on facts, science, data and evidence, not rumors or aspirations.
When I hope I have an abyss of wanting.

Do I believe that the political year will be different; I hope.
Do I believe that mother earth will be kinder in her take back of her planet; I hope.
Do I believe that selfish egotistic power hungry leaders in our world will be defeated at the polls; I hope.
Do I believe that mentally anguished people will be housed, cared for and treated; I hope.
Do I believe that automatic rifles will be locked up, not sold and unavailable to citizens; I hope.
Do I believe that immigrants fearing for life and safety of their families can find refuge at the worlds  boarders; I hope.
Do I believe that addictions can be helped; I hope.

Do I believe that democracy is in peril; I do.
Do I believe that humankind can save itself; I do.
Do I believe in equality and opportunity for ALL; I do.
Do I believe that the sun will rise and set; I do.
Do I believe in accountability; I do.
Do I believe that we can find our peace; I do.
Do I believe that we can experience our joy; I do.
Do I believe we each must vote: I do.
Do I believe there are more of us then there are of them; I do.

Do I believe these list remain unfinished; I do.

Believing and hoping....powerful mindsets to ask ourselves On The Cusp.


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