Most of us in this country...
pay our taxes
work hard
are good neighbors
realize the power of our Democracy
have never been investigated
have never needed to be investigated
sincerely care about others
treasure our integrity
respect each other
are not afraid of our own thinking
are not fearful of the truth
don't have a team of lawyers
don't lie their way into power
don't ask for "loyalty"
don't make promises we don't intend to keep
don't rely on "hush" money to look good
don't steal what we don't earn
So how come "most of us" can't turn this mess around?
"Most of us" would never elect a person like this to anything much less as a leader of this Country
When "most of us" remain quiet people like this continue to fill our air
I still believe that "most of us" are good honest people in the USA
and our Democracy is dependent on "most of us".


  1. You summed up the absurdities that abound in our Country very well, as you always do. Not since the colonists lived under the thumb of King James has our democracy been in such a dangerous place.


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