

Most of us have been around for many years. Lining hallways and locker rooms in High Schools and Middle Schools, it's what we call "home". We have seen, heard and sometimes smelled too many things. We have witnessed friendships develop, dates made, relationships fade, sock hops planned, quarrels explode, first smooches, class rings exchanged, class rings returned and yes the list goes on. Remember your hallway and locker room days?

Then there were white socks in penny loafers, polished white Keds, saddle shoes and dusty bucks.  Can't forget the pleated skirts with bobby socks, petticoats under a poodle swirl or jumpers and knee lengths and white button down blouses with Peter Pan collars.  Button up tight angora sweaters, bobbed bouncing hair, headbands, pin curls, bobby pins, clip on earrings,charm bracelets and perfume.  Saw loose fitting dungarees with cuffs rolled up, khaki slacks with no pleats, white socks in black polished loafers. Brown and black tooled belts, plaid button down shirts over white t-shirts, argyle sweater vests, crew cuts waxed and straight, slicked back "Fabian style" haircuts, transistor radios and 45 records.

Then came bell bottoms, tie-dye t-shirts, really big hair, Birkenstocks, ear piercing, stripped colorful cloth vests, ankle boots, cowboy boots, flowing scarfs, suspenders in all colors, zig zag papers, long hair, 8 track tapes, cassettes, boom boxes, macrame belts and indigo blue jeans.

Now it's printed on t-shirts, faded jeans so tight kids have to somehow jump into them, jeans with torn back pockets and knees, hats, caps, head sox, pierced noses and lips, crop tops, tattoos, short shorts, tank tops, sweat pants, hoodies, autographed sneakers, flip flops,fleece tops, puffy vests, earbuds, virtual music, masks and cell phones in every pocket.


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