LT...# 102

School lockers have tons of tales to tell; heck, I am thinking lockers placed anywhere have stories to tell but in schools life happens in the hallways! Grown-ups think it all happens in the classroom. Don’t get me wrong; I know lots of really good stuff happens there. We lockers are the holders of things and not just stuff but secrets too! Most is good stuff and some, well may I say "not so good". Much of the time we know what is going to be happening way before things actually happen, but not always. 
It used to be in September, now it happens in August. That’s okay by us. We can’t wait for the first day of school.  One of the coolest things for us is “locker assignment”! You know, when your homeroom teacher gives you the number and a padlock with your own private combination to spin and open, if you want a lock that is. You're not required to have one on your locker but if you do, it has to be an assigned school padlock; no putting your own on because if you do, it gets cut off in a hurry!
We are where most of you keep your stuff everyday, we call it “keeping”.  We get a bit anxious to find out who we will be “keeping” for the year. Rumor has it that new schools being looked at to be built in the future are doing away with lockers, keeping only gym lockers is what we are hearing. We hope that doesn't happen.
We know the end of your summer vacations are kind of a mixed bag for you. Some just want vacation to go on and on and others are ready to get back to school life. There will be three day weekends, school vacations and that means no one is here. Not fans of those days.  Mondays are awesome and Fridays are the pits. We think we are the only ones who don’t want you guys to be not here; not here for you means no action for us...b o r i n g.
     Now that I have introduced you all to us it's time for me to let you peek at some of the tales we have seen and heard over many years.
Stay tuned for more LT...


  1. Sounds like a book I’ve read 😄❤️❤️


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