Penning, Why...

I am thinking that by now you have asked yourself "Why am I writing this", "Who might my readers be" and "How am I going to get them to even see it". These are very important questions to ask as you get on this writing road.  

Will this be fiction ( fun, not reality, not facts, make believe) or will it be non-fiction (facts, dates, true events).  Either way, your work will most likely require a degree of research. This is what my spouse calls "fleshing it out". This is where the work of putting your story down so others can feel it, see it and smell it happens. Taking your research and putting it on your scribble board or in your outline is where some depth and story line will go as you continue to think and build it. 

Below is a diagram that I made from a similar one I found in my writing research. I always have it in front of me when I write. It helps me stay focused on what I am trying to do, maybe it can help you as well.

If you are thinking about getting your story published all I can say is "Welcome to a new world"!  Just standing in a bookstore and looking around at the mammoth number of books can suck the air right out of your lungs!  "How is my book ever going to even be seen or heard of" is the question that first comes to mind. Getting a publisher to even look at your "unsolicited" work is a herculean task unto itself. You will have to step into the world of publishing and I must say it throws a huge learning curve but it was worth the education.  Many, many and I mean many rejections are customary and are to be expected and I got them. So I thought I might try to "get" a professional editor to see my work and agree to work with me through the process only to find out that I was going to have to do the work anyway albeit  with a little guidance. My hope was that the editor would be able to get a publisher to then look at my work so that it would be "solicited". Then of course there would be "no guarantee" that my book would ever be published. So began my tedious search into "self-publishing".  Today's world is stacked with independent authors thanks to technology. With that said, the research into self-publishing and the associated cost of doing it, along with the savvy amount of technology skills needed can stop one in their tracks. It is a decision not to be taken lightly. This is where the "WHY" am I doing this really comes into play.  I can tell you that most independent authors will not get their money back so if your thoughts are about having regular royalty checks deposited in your checking account every month, well, you may want to think again.
I can say that getting your first royalty check is quite a kick!

Again, all of this penning is my experience, my process and my thoughts.  I never would want to discourage anyone from writing anything, ever.  I just want to be truthful about the work and effort that makes it all happen.

I continue to enjoy your questions and comments about writing, do keep them coming.


  1. Good to know! I’m sure it will help someone who wants to be a writer. ❤️


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