Penning Brain Dump...

 So now you have your "brain dump" looking back at you and it is time to begin to make some sense of it.  Your story line of what you are creating is in your head otherwise you would not even get this far....

One way to begin is to make an outline of all the things you have scribbled down or you can bubble them in  groups. Putting words and phrases into clusters that carry the picture in your brain of the place, person, thing or event that you are trying to tell your reader about starts to put your story together.

As you put groupings of things from your "brain dump" together you will see that your mind will begin to write what you are trying to tell.  This may come together quickly for you or it may take time to start seeing this. This is a visual that can kick your story line into gear for you to start taking this outline or these clustered bubble thoughts and begin writing. Some folks call this a first draft but I can only go by my experience and it is an extremely rough first draft but it is exciting because now you are writing and on your way to putting it together on paper!!  DO NOT get caught up with spelling, punctuation or grammar, just write and write and write.  All those corrections will get taken care of way down the writing road. You are now officially on your way. Unless you are in a real time crunch, like an Editor telling you they need it by a certain date, take your time and yes it is okay to go back and scratch out and replace words and phrases as you "sleep on it".  

Writing is work. You will devise your own writing routine. Some like to write first thing in the morning, others like to write at night when it is dark etc. Some write for  short periods of time others write for hours at a time. Some still use lined paper and pencils and ink others use a computer and a word processor. Whatever way, choose the most comfortable for you.  Expect to get "stalled" now and again but when the flow seems to come easy just go with it because there will be many drafts before you get to the one you think completes your story.

I am hoping this is helpful in some way. We all have stories worth telling for many different reasons. Publishing it or not is totally up to you. That conversation will come later so until then....chew on those ideas and throw some down, you may just be surprised how your writing journey will go.


  1. If I were writing this would be very helpful to me. When I was in high school I never truly understood making an outline for my story.


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