Start Penning...

Thinking about how to even begin to organize the words in your head into something oftentimes is what stops any writing from happening so this is what I do...

I literally scribble words down on either a legal pad or a sketch pad with my favorite green Flair. This is what I call "dumping my brain" and it can take minutes or sometimes a couple hours of real concentrated dumping and then I get up and walk away from my cozy work space that literally sits inside our den closet.
It might be the next day or a few days later until I return to look at my throw down of words, could even be longer. I just try to give my mind a chance to see the words in a new light.  

I have found that once I begin this process of thinking about words, language and stringing them together so that they carry a mental picture to a person who reads it, well there is no turning the process off for me, so I commit.  I choose to work mostly during the hours after noon time. It can be for an hour or it can run for many more.  Unfortunately for me my moments of clarity happen usually around 2 A.M. Clear snips of what I want to say about the person, place or thing that I am writing about flash through my head like seeing a billboard as I drive by and much to my spouses dismay, but still very supportive, I rise and go throw down my scribbles and return to rest a few minutes later. When in the writing process my story lines never really leave my mind.
So this is the start that works for me to percolate ideas to create my stories.

Next up...making sense of what is looking back at me from my scribbles...



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