The Thanksgiving Duffel

1968 Thanksgiving Eve day and I am in a college dorm room in northern Maine waiting to be stuffed like the turkey waiting for me back home many southern miles away.  I have been sat upon, dragged, stacked, packed and carried, it's what I am.

Well worn bell bottom pants rolled tightly around over used tops being smothered by exhausted gym socks, sweat stained shorts, over ripe t-shirts and one or two unmentionables form the foundation of every other thing I will be charged to carry. Going back home for the first time since I left for college fills me with joy. There is nothing like home. Be it a cabin, house, apartment or roof, it is home. The volumes of memories and the musing of it all fills my wrinkles and rounds my middle. 

Crammed like Bostonians riding the T at rush hour, insides completely crushed with stuff, the holiday journey begins. Heaped in the back of an old blue VW bug, puzzled among a black duffel, one medium duct taped box, a small shovel, a pair of boots, two bottles of Coke plus a few textbooks that cover the floor, our four hour trek home in light snow and early dark blankets our sleigh like gravy in a bowl. 

Passing mile markers and exit lights we finally see the familiar pull off. Waking to see frequented streets and usual buildings the excitement grows. Turning into the driveway; kitchen lights aglow I hear " It's nice to be home".  The frosty storm door pulls open, inside knob turns and "Your home, your home" is the song we hear. The welcome of hugs and kisses is not for me but happy I am to be part of all I see. Wet window panes steamed from a hot oven of scents. The kitchen table splayed with nuts, jams, cookies, tarts and a beverage or two await. The cast iron fry pan with the pre stuffing fix sits on the stove top pulsing aromas of taste yet to come. The blackened pot sits brimmed with the long steeping innards of turkey neck soup.

My time as a duffel was the life for me
For I carried my owner proudly from sea to sea
For this was my purpose
just to be 
useful and kind to all I would see



  1. The hugs and kisses are not for you!? Then who?

  2. I can picture the scene!


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