Monument Way...

 The Front Porch...
This is the view at low tide, no further than a softball throw from 3rd base to 1st from the porch. Belfast Harbor sits due south just a home run away. To our north, not more than a few par 5's is the Acadia ocean playground area. Directly east is the monument and then the beautiful Isleboro island that holds the homes of a few treasured friends. Little did I know just how much I would grow to love this front porch. 

Willfully deciding to put my electronics down, away, unplugged for this month of seaside living was beyond a rewarding choice. Head looking forward, up and out, not down at an electronic screen brought views of playful seals rolling and diving for mackerel. Birds of many names, gulls, terns and albatross all paint the sky from flowing breezes that carry them up from the breaking waves just trying to catch their dinner. White sided dolphins racing each other to unknown spots only to pivot and rise, showing us the whites of their sleek glimmering sides and hundreds of herring igniting the surface like a boiling pot of pasta. It's a WOW.

The porch holds me from dawn through dusk. I have begun calling my dress for the day  "PORCHATIRAH" (comfy dressage of total chaos). Silent hours of sitting in a weather worn rocker or standing to stretch and flex my once limber body that now just manages to stay upright I count steps as I pace every inch of the rough gray weathered decking knowing I will never reach any 10,000.  My mind wonders what captivating stories my surroundings could tell me.
Weekdays are spent lending a hand to a dear friend who is packing up her coastal home of many years, prepping it to go on the market. By four o'clock in the afternoon the porch beckons.

More from The Front Porch on The Bay soon...


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