Sniff, swirl, sip...

So you know… I am not an expert in wine, not a sommelier.  I believe that wine is made to play with and enjoy even in a plastic cup! I am a fortunate person who was able to spend lots of years working and learning about the art and chemistry of making a good wine at this country's most visited winery in Asheville NC. I am an oenophile (a person who loves wine and everything about it). Whenever I speak about wine I use “about” or “approximately” because wine making and growing is an ever changing energy.

So you really know… true wine, real WINE is only made from grapes that grow on a vine. It is against the governing laws of our Domestic (USA) region to add any flavors like peach, strawberry, apple etc. into the blend. ONLY the grapes, a type of yeast ( and there are hundreds) and sugar (yeast eating sugar creates alcohol) can be added.  Marketing is permitted, in this country, to call a product, be it Peach or Blueberry etc. a wine if those fruits are added to it but in reality it is NOT a true wine.

More “So you know” in my next Sniff, swirl and sip…Cheers


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