
Writing and sketching are two things that I have always enjoyed since childhood and hoped there would be a time and space at some point when I could dabble at both. The time in my retirement had arrived, no need to wait any longer.

Short little novellas of fiction and non-fiction based on life experiences and thoughts is how I chose to proceed. I learned early on that writing about what I knew was the way to go and even that takes time and research to get it from the brain to paper. I hope you will see in my blogs that I attempt to have my readers see, smell, feel the pulse and taste my stories.

Fiction is fun because there are no limits to what one can create while non-fiction is based on facts and real events. Penning in both I found to be a very different process. Creating Locker Tales was fun and easy while writing Loud Secrets was painful and arduous. When I was doing research on writing a memoir I found a quote that pretty much says it all, it went something like this... before you can put a pen to paper you must first bust through the blood and the bones.  I found that to be exactly true. 

More to come...


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