
Showing posts from February, 2025

Once again... Trans in Sports...a point of view

...a volatile and difficult issue to discuss and to elucidate. Why is this issue so emotional and so polarizing? People fear what they don't understand so a world of phobias exist...discrimination at every level and of every kind. People that are different than those who view them... religious indoctrination... A lack of appropriate education pertaining to understanding labels like  Bisexual/ Gay/ Lesbian/ Transgender/ Queer/Pansexual/ Non-binary and Transvestite to name a few.  It is  important to know that not all transgendered people are gay. Gay is not synonymous with all of these labels, being different is. These topics cannot be discussed without mentioning the word " SEX " and once that word is read or spoken most people's minds immediately go somewhere else.  Put " sex " and "sports" in the same dialogue and it's volcanic!  Highly combustible words elicit strong emotional convictions. This is why it is so polarizing.  Let me first say t...