PRIDE MONTH is the time for me to answer so many folks who have asked, why is it so important for gay people to come out. The first time I was asked that I found myself almost lost for words. In that brief moment I felt anger, confusion, hurt and wonder at why someone would have to even ask that! As the LGBT+ community once again comes under hateful attacks in this country, I am thrown back into the 60's and 70's when I was just a young girl trying to find my place in a society that kept telling me I was sick, disgusting and going to hell. We all need to not just talk about ending the hate and the lies but we need to fight to turn this ugly tide. I will speak for myself and others who cannot... We will not go away. We will not be going back into closets to live our lives. We will be vocal. We will raise awareness. We will call on those who know and love us to come out and support us. We will fight for equality and our right to be who we are without shame or...