
Showing posts from February, 2023

STOP the lies...

The purpose of EDUCATION is to teach people how to learn, to know how to acquire knowledge.  P arts of the learning process are made up of interactive pieces that include: memory, language, attention, processing, organizing, writing and higher order critical thinking skills. This is what public schools are charged to bring to the students of their communities. The purpose of INDOCTRINATION is to  teach a person or group to accept a set of beliefs with no room for any critical thinking.  Public schools DO NOT promote indoctrination.  The military survives on indoctrination, religious schools rely  on indoctrination...brainwashing is hiding facts, not allowing student opinions, rejecting any ideas to the institutions beliefs and does not allow for individual critical thinking.... Books and libraries are essential to allow people to engage in the search for knowledge. That some humans are banning and attempting to control what others have access to is not only crim...

Life According To Fluffy...

My entire life has been spent attached to my one and only baby. I was presented to her by Mom and Dad on her first birthday and we have been together on and off, mostly on, for many decades.  Life through my eyes with her has shown me lots of things. Some great, some good and some we would just like to forget.  I have seen the inside of a backpack; been stuffed in a duffel; squished in a box and hugged and tugged so that my once soft "fluffy" and puffy body is now worn to about being bald. Through it all I lived a life! I got to sleep and camp in the backyard.  I went to grade school a couple times. I was taken to a few sleepovers but never understood the "sleep" part. I saw lots of cartoons on Saturday mornings and marveled at The Jetsons and what life might be like only to now see the results of automation beyond our expectations. In the 60's I was carried to boarding school; quiet and structured; lights out at 10 P.M. and "study hall" everyday from ...