STOP the lies...
The purpose of EDUCATION is to teach people how to learn, to know how to acquire knowledge. P arts of the learning process are made up of interactive pieces that include: memory, language, attention, processing, organizing, writing and higher order critical thinking skills. This is what public schools are charged to bring to the students of their communities. The purpose of INDOCTRINATION is to teach a person or group to accept a set of beliefs with no room for any critical thinking. Public schools DO NOT promote indoctrination. The military survives on indoctrination, religious schools rely on indoctrination...brainwashing is hiding facts, not allowing student opinions, rejecting any ideas to the institutions beliefs and does not allow for individual critical thinking.... Books and libraries are essential to allow people to engage in the search for knowledge. That some humans are banning and attempting to control what others have access to is not only crim...