
Once again... Trans in Sports...a point of view

...a volatile and difficult issue to discuss and to elucidate. Why is this issue so emotional and so polarizing? People fear what they don't understand so a world of phobias exist...discrimination at every level and of every kind. People that are different than those who view them... religious indoctrination... A lack of appropriate education pertaining to understanding labels like  Bisexual/ Gay/ Lesbian/ Transgender/ Queer/Pansexual/ Non-binary and Transvestite to name a few.  It is  important to know that not all transgendered people are gay. Gay is not synonymous with all of these labels, being different is. These topics cannot be discussed without mentioning the word " SEX " and once that word is read or spoken most people's minds immediately go somewhere else.  Put " sex " and "sports" in the same dialogue and it's volcanic!  Highly combustible words elicit strong emotional convictions. This is why it is so polarizing.  Let me first say t...

MY Dry January Insights...

I simply altered the Dry January to a Damp January. My acquired insights through the following months were anything but simple… So this is how it all began back in 2011… A British woman named Emily Robinson gave up alcohol in 2011 while preparing to run a marathon. The Dry January gained support in the U.S. and I have read that 15 to 35 % of U.S. drinkers took part in the challenge and that estimates say about 35 to 40% of Americans plan on trying a Dry January but that only about 16% actually continue through the entire month.   January 1, 2024… I was starting the day and I decided that I would limit the number of times I drank in a full week as well as limiting myself to no more than two standard glasses at any time.  The counting began. The back story… Alcohol has always been a part of my life. I was adopted into a Franco American family with more relatives then I could ever accurately count. My adopted Dad was an alcoholic. When in my forties I learned of my adoption ...

Asheville's latest...

The Latest... As another sun sets over our beloved western North Carolina mountains rest, we are reminded that it seems like forever since inches of unrelenting rain layered our county while Hurricane Helene announced her arrival. In truth, three months is but a heartbeat compared to the time, strength and resources it will eventually take to get us somewhat healed. Most of the mud has been plowed, scooped, pushed and shoveled around, through and into the never ending mounds of debris, some already hauled off but much remains; in neighborhoods, city streets, riverbanks, parking just goes on an on. Dust and dirt now mix with the stillness of the chaff while the lack of room to house it all continues to slow the process. The downtown city of Asheville looks like it always did minus the hundreds of daily tourists playing in our city. The street corners are quiet as the popular Buskers remain silent. Hotels, restaurants and galleries are open for business, the water flows, the l...

It's all about the Bubbles not the $$$...

  It's all about the bubbles!  Simply said, Carbon dioxide from the second fermentation of wine creates the bubbles in a French style sparkling wine. Champagne is a place, a region in France where the grapes used in making sparkling wine grow. It is not a grape and yes the old French Monk (Dom Perignon) is credited with inventing it quite by accident but in truth sparkling wine was done by the English years before the monk did it. Typical grapes used in making French style sparkling wine (often referred to as Champagne) are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier but other less known varietals are sometimes used.  Labels of French style sparkling wine may also say "Blanc de blanc" which means it is made with mostly Chardonnay grapes. "Blanc de noir" means it is made with more Pinot Noir grapes and gives a beautiful rose color to the wine and happens to be my favorite! A label that says "Brut" means it is dry (sugar fermented out) vs a label that says ...

Christmas Musings...

Back then ... Tourtiere pie scent engulfing all like incense rising from the chowdah resting on the stove...nuts cracked open leaving their dredges behind... Mom's chocolate walnut fudge cut into mouth size cubes ...a sleigh of decorated cookies adorned in silver sprinkles...the fir tree dressed in shimmering tinsel topped with an aging yellowish angel...candles lit in windows framed by a frosty glow...opening a gift before bed only to find it was new pajamas to sleep in so that we would all look great for those morning  pictures...hanging hollow stockings each bearing our names... Dad singing carols in French...struggling at bedtime to sleep and giving way to maniacal laughter with siblings...parents pleading unsuccessfully to quiet the antics with "If you make too much noise Santa won't stop here" or some other pointless statement.  Young adulthood recollections of coming "home" from your little apartment excited to tell how life is going or no...


Just a reminder ...we do not have to "own" the chaos and negativity around us, speaking up allows us to do just that... gives us strength gives us a path forward to adapt but never accept gives us the ability to believe there is hope We won't ever "own" it...

Never Silence...

  This has been in my homes and offices my entire adult life.  I see it and read it frequently... Silence is never ever an option when things are wrong; it will not make things correct, it will not make things go away, it will never be okay to be silent when you know things are wrong.